Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Hat Inspires a Dress - how very old fashioned!

My birthday was in June and I asked Hubby James for a sewing machine.  I had gotten it into my head that because I don't fit into so many of the beautiful dresses I carry in the shop that it might be a smart idea to make my own based on vintage patterns.  Smart, right?  Well it didn't phase me a bit that I had exactly 8 sewing lessons when I was 12 - I jumped right in.......and the frustration began!

I've found I adore sewing and have been amassing vintage patterns and fabric for the last two months.  I've made about 5 dresses - only one complete.  The other four are in final stages but on each one there is something that has stumped me!  Thank God for  neighbor-friend, Jan,  who sews and has promised to stop by this weekend to help me finish them!

I found this reprinted pattern at the sewing store and am working on it in a fall colored crepe, but had also seen this fabric - which to me looked very 40s and for a week I kept thinking I should have purchased it.

It's a pretty pinkish purple with feathers of dark blue, green and black.  For whatever reason I didn't get the fabric....until....on my day off, I found this hat!  The vintage gods had smiled upon me!!

The same color and with a "feather" of iridescent beads in blues, greens and blacks!!!  The veil even has teeny tiny pearls on it!!
So of course I raced over to the sewing store and bought the fabric. All of it.  Not sure why I need eight yards....but when the stars align, you don't ask why, you just go with it!

Of course I'll probably need neighbor-friend Jan's help!!

I'll keep you posted, and will share some of the other dresses as I finish them.  We should also discuss at some point whether or not is odd that I'm buying vintage sheets to make into summer dresses - LOL!

Looking for a 40s dress with perfectly straight seams?  I've got a few in the shop including this beauty who is on sale for 30% off!

Thanks for reading and of course I'd love to have you stop by my ebay shop - that's the link up there!  I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time....Happy Vintage Hunting!

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